Nevada Chauffeurs Get Class Action Status

Nevada Chauffeurs Get Class Action Status

LAS VEGAS (AP) — A federal judge has given class action status to a group of Nevada limousine drivers who are suing the state’s largest limo company. The drivers claim Bell Trans didn’t pay drivers for time spent on the job while they weren’t...

Long Live The Built-In Gratuity

On the surface, the built-in gratuity is the silliest thing in the world.  What’s the point of a gratuity if it’s automatically included?  Isn’t the reason behind a gratuity To Insure Prompt Service?  Most would assume this trickery falls into the...

8 Traits of Highly Successful Chauffeurs

When I was a chauffeur, I loved it.  My passion for driving and natural affability made me a natural.  My days behind the wheel began as a job, but became a mission.  In my quest to become a better chauffeur, I looked to others to find the secrets of the profession. ...

Why Your Chauffeurs Stink

Chauffeurs are a sorry lot.  I should know, I used to be one.  On any given day, a sea of pathetic, sloppy, and burnt-out chauffeurs wait at airports across America. It wasn’t always this way.  The profession was once well respected and stocked with career...