Make The Car Services Work For You

  • Set up multiple accounts with executive car services. The theory behind this advice is as follows: No matter how great a town car service may be, they will eventually mess up. When this happens, you will have a relief valve to appease an angry executive and preserve the relationship with your primary service provider. In the event of a catastrophic mistake, you’ll be able to immediately switch to your secondary provider.
  • Find out how many cars your limousine company has. If they tell you they have 20, they probably have 10. If you’re about to make the mistake of giving a five car company thirty runs a day, you really need to know. It’s not unusual for a small company to land a big account, but they may be biting off more than they can chew.
  • Create passwords for your accounts. When any individual orders an executive limousine they must provide a password. This practice really cuts down on service abuse, and prevents annoying billing irregularities.
  • Establish a relationship with an account executive. Large car services usually assign account execs to the major accounts. A good executive can cut through bureaucratic red tape; ASAP cars, comp limos, and immediately resolve billing issues.
  • When you book cars, provide complete information. It’s easy to pull a passengers information off the company database, but two things are always missed. These are cell phone numbers and private gate codes. When booking limos, make the extra effort and get these valuable pieces of information.
  • Try to book different vehicles for different types of executives. For your directors, go with Mercedes and Escalades. For VP’s a Town Car is perfect. For those lower level executives who have never used a car service, consider a share ride program.

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How To Pick A Reliable Car Service
A Cheap Limo Is Cheap For A Reason 
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